ESSRG, as one of the Third Party members, contributes to the content development and dissemination of the EU-Citizen Science platform across Hungary. The platform offers opportunities to learn more about citizen science, build professional networks and contribute to the knowledge hub of the citizen science community across Europe.
To bring the platform’s function closer to the local stakeholders, Alexandra Czeglédi (junior researcher at ESSRG) delivered an introductory presentation in February on citizen science projects within the Framework of Food Sovereignty Month (2021). The online event was initiated by the Food Sovereignty Working Group of Solidarity Action Group network (SZACS), which has been expanding its activist-NGO-researcher network online since the beginning of the pandemic.
The EU-Citizen.Science platform’s rich collection, such as the library of various resources, ongoing citizen science projects, and institutional profiles, was introduced to local stakeholders. Anyone can upload resources, create profiles, and share news that concerns the citizen science community. For interactive engagement, the Hungarian Forum discussion and other English Forum discussions (FAQ, Community News, Job offers etc.) are available.
The Consortium has been developing courses on citizen science on the Moodle integration platform to facilitate learning about citizen science. The available course list is continually growing due to the Consortium members’ expertise; and the current call that invites practitioners, researchers, educators, citizen scientists, policymakers, and other stakeholders to apply to designing a short course. See further details below!
EU-Citizen.Science will fund 10 citizen science online training courses.
10 training modules will be granted up to €1.500 for their development, implementation and testing before their publication on our platform.
If you have ideas to produce a 1-2h online course on any relevant aspect of citizen science, this opportunity is perfect for you!
We are looking for 10 teams or individuals that would be interested in producing training modules to enrich our catalogue and fill the gaps in the global library of citizen science courses or educational materials on Moodle.
We would be particularly interested in supporting the development of training courses on the following topics:
- Co-Creation
- Communication
- Data quality and standards
- Empowerment
- Engagement
- Evaluation
- Impact
- Link with formal education
- Project Management
- Project sustainability
- Regulation and ethics
- Research design and methods
- Transferability
- Why trust citizen science data?
- Achieving policy impact with Citizen Science
The call for applications will be open until 30 April.
You can find more detailed information on our website, and in the guide for applicants carefully developed by our team to help your application.