About us

ESSRG is a non-profit company cultivating cross-boundary research in a transdisciplinary fashion, engaging in multi-actor democratic dialogue with natural and social sciences, and other knowledge systems.

We nourish a collaborative and cooperative research approach, involving various communities and stakeholder groups while paying attention to those typically marginalized or unheard voices, thus striving toward social justice and ecological sustainability.

We possess practical skills for working with conflict-intensive boundaries on science-policy-society interfaces, such as action research methods and community development, participatory planning, conflict management and mediation competencies.

We believe in opening up the established systems of knowledge creation toward various forms of co-creation, including Participatory Action Research (PAR), Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) and citizen science, thus enhancing society’s capacity for transformative learning.

We cherish diversity and are committed to providing equal opportunities to all, regardless of gender, gender identity, gender expression, disability, economic and family status, ethnicity, nationality, age, and other diverse backgrounds (check our gender equality plan).


A society is envisioned where grassroots activism is the main coordination logic institutionalised. All kinds of knowledge are freely accessed public good by each social group. Space for learning and experimentation is provided in order to search for multiple ways of capability development and conviviality.


ESSRG is committed to promoting collaborative learning efforts and initiates transparent, inclusive and reflexive research and innovation processes of participative problem definition, analysis, and working with citizens, policy-makers and researchers toward mutually desirable outcomes. Making collaborative research and innovation efforts more effective, an inclusive service is needed that will support process facilitation among diverse actors willing to cooperate on transforming the research and innovation system into a responsible one. ESSRG will work on developing a service to bring together researchers, participants of citizen science, RRI initiatives, living labs, ‘DIY’ science activities, science shops, and other stakeholders in order to enable the necessary implementation capabilities to be improved that will support research and innovation with and for society in the future.

Our Team

Éva Bánsági

research coordinator, science communicator

Kata Fodor

research fellow

Zsófia Kollányi

research fellow

Erzsébet Lengyel

project manager

Ágnes Neulinger

senior research fellow

Vanda Pózner

research fellow

Balázs Sipos

graphic designer

Diana Szakál

research fellow, learning experience designer

Katalin Varga

financial manager

Katalin Varsányi

research assistant


Our affiliated researchers

Emese Antal

dietitian, sociologist, RD., MSc

Júlia Domokos

research fellow

Mariann Kovács

communication officer

Borbála Lipka


Bea Pántya

visual researcher

Our networks


ipbs partner
ipbs partner
ipbs partner
ipbs partner

Contact us

ESSRG Kft, Impact Hub Budapest, HU-1053 Budapest, Ferenciek tere 2.