György Pataki graduated as an economist, obtained a PhD in management and
organization science. He studied environmental economics, public policy, and
international economics at the former Karl Marx University of Economic Sciences,
Budapest, Hungary (currently Corvinus University of Budapest), Erasmus University,
Rotterdam, The Netherlands, and the University of Cambridge, UK.
He had various teaching affiliations with Hungarian public universities where he taught decision
sciences, ethics and economics, ecological economics, and qualitative research
methodologies. He is one of the founders of and a senior researcher for the
Environmental Social Science Research Group (ESSRG), an independent, nonprofit
research organization.
He was an active member of the European Society for
Ecological Economics (ESEE), the Environment and Society Research Network of
the European Sociological Association (ESA), and is a member of the
Empowerment, Inclusiveness and Equity (EIE) working group of the European
Citizen Science Association (ECSA). He is a board member of the Hungarian
Coalition of Social Enterprises, a non-profit association for the advancement of social
entrepreneurship in Hungary, He is interested in diverse research topics ranging
from biodiversity and ecosystem services to solidarity economy, social
entrepreneurship, and social innovation and is committed to participatory and action-
based research methodologies.