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Who protects the greens? Mental well-being at the forefront of the environmental crisis

Recently published:

Mihók Barbara, Balázs Bálint, Domokos Júlia, Szakál Diana, Horváth Mária Dóra: Ki védi meg a zöldeket? A mentális egészség védelme a környezeti válság élvonalában. Máltai Tanulmányok, 2024/3, 104–119.  DOI: 10.56699/MT.2024.3.8

Conservationists and environmentalists working for planetary health (including
those who research these topics) are directly confronted with the deterioration
of the environment and nature, the related feelings of loss and threat. In our
essay, we thematize the challenges of the mental well-being of “green professionals”
dealing with environmental crises as a result of their profession, and
we review what coping methods they can use. As an illustration for the essay’s
theoretical propositions, we use the lessons learned from our Hope Project
launched among the members of our team, the Environmental Social Science
Research Group (ESSRG). Translating anxiety into activity, experiencing a feeling
of gratitude towards nature, distraction, seeking social support are all important
parts of coping with stress as part of problem-focused, emotion-focused and
meaning-focused coping strategies. Hope can be an important resource when
there is a lack of positive results and feedback from action. The joint discussion
and reflection of the psychological effects of the environmental crisis and the
topic of hope among green professionals should be an important element of
supporting community mental health in the workplace community.
KEYWORDS: environmentalists, mental well-being, planetary health, ecoanxiety