Newly Published: Navigating the Participatory Turn in Agricultural and Food Research

A new perspective paper, Navigating the Participatory Turn in Agricultural and Food Research: Best Practices from Citizen Science, explores how participatory methods, particularly citizen science, can address the ethical and socio-economic challenges of emerging agri-food technologies. The authors, including our colleague, Alexandra Czeglédi, revisit the European Citizen Science Association’s (ECSA) Ten Principles of Citizen Science, applying them specifically to agricultural and food research.


Innovative solutions for amplifying biodiversity and equity

How can social, economic, and political processes be transformed to simultaneously support biodiversity and equity?


Data and AI for healthy, sustainable food choices

Aiming to develop smart digital applications that empower citizens to make healthier and eco-friendly food choices


Cultivating agroecological narratives

Gardeners’ photovoice on underutilised crops’ diversity. A photo essay by Alexandra Czeglédi published in Tabula, the online journal of the Museum of Ethnography.


Newly published: Citizen Science for Nature Conservation in Hungary A Three-Dimensional Approach

Citizen science for nature conservation has been thriving in Hungary, but it hasn’t gained enough attention. A new publication co-evaluates 8 key Hungarian nature conservation-related citizen science projects (NCCS), assessing their impact on science, conservation, and participant development. Alexandra Czeglédi from ESSRG contributed to this work, which not only highlights the scientific and societal value of these projects but also boosts the visibility of successful initiatives in Central Eastern Europe.


Exploring transformative pathways in environmental education: Insights from our spring term research and three conferences

As part of the PLANET4B project, this spring semester we began our collaboration with two schools to explore the transformative potential of school gardens and other experiential learning methods. Our preliminary findings highlight how these methods can enhance students’ cognitive skills and deepen their connection with nature. Sharing these results at three international conferences, we emphasized the need for innovative educational approaches and educational policy reforms to foster a
sustainable future.


Our film, True Bread is available on Youtube

One of the top news website in Hungary,  Telex, featured our film about the farmer-baker network and the production of high quality, artisan bread on its front page. The film stars Ádám Fülöp, founder of Pipacs Bakery, Ágoston Nobilis, manager of Csoroszlya Farm, Anikó Palikné and Ferenc Palik, farmers-millers and bakers of Szápár Ökofarm and Biomalom, and mill builder Bence Sáfrán.
