Our film, True Bread is available on Youtube
One of the top news website in Hungary, Telex, featured our film about the farmer-baker network and the production of high quality, artisan bread on its front page. The film stars Ádám Fülöp, founder of Pipacs Bakery, Ágoston Nobilis, manager of Csoroszlya Farm, Anikó Palikné and Ferenc Palik, farmers-millers and bakers of Szápár Ökofarm and Biomalom, and mill builder Bence Sáfrán.
More...Crop Wild Relatives utilisation for sustainable agriculture
Crop Wild Relatives can contribute to providing more diverse, sustainable, and nutritious food.
More...A Pathway to Food System Transformation – video
This video showcases an exceptional local food supply chain in Budapest city region, part of the country’s farmer-baker-miller network, and a pathway to food system transformation in Hungary. The video features an organic farm on the outskirts of Pest County, Csoroszlya Farm, and the new-wave organic bakery Pipacs, which uses wild yeast.
More...Budapest Food System – a vision for 2050
As a part of our FoodCLIC Project, we organised a visioning workshop together with the Department for Climate and Environmental Affairs of the Mayor’s Office Budapest. Professionals from different areas of the food system came together to think about what Budapest’s food environment should look like in 2050. Here is a short summary of the findings of the workshop, during which we discussed five different types of food environments.
More...Communiqué on EU-funding restrictions
The European Commission has recently communicated through several channels that certain Hungarian organisations are excluded from EU funding.
This does not apply to ESSRG.
The Decision (EU) 2022/2506 concerns institutions that are public interest trusts established based on the Hungarian Act IX of 2021 or any entity maintained by such a public interest trust. As far as we know, at this moment, this restriction affects about 20 entities in Hungary (mainly universities).
ESSRG is an independent, private (owned by researchers), non-profit research company, and we have no connection with public interest trusts.
More...Better decisions for biodiversity and people
Understand and influence decision-making affecting biodiversity.
More...We produced an animation video on RRI
We produced an animation video on responsible research and innovation. We tell you in 4 short minutes the bases of the responsible research and innovation (RRI) approach. We explain why we think it is important that researchers, research-performing organisations and even research funding organisations are connected to society. We also give a few examples from our current RRI project, where our partners have made institutional changes in the hope of responsible research.
More...Nature-based solutions for more inclusive and resilient communities
We explore how nature-based solutions can contribute to the societal change needed to address the biodiversity and climate crisis.
More...Come along and visit Szezon Kert, the organic garden we work with
In the RADIANT Project, we are implementing dynamic value chains for underutilised crops in Europe, realising opportunities whilst overcoming barriers.
The project partners work with 20 pilots, so-called “Aurora Farms” (different agro-ecologies across Europe) to co-create and test good practices and transformation avenues.