Searching results for „COACH“ 2 articles found:

Food, Place & Innovation, a Sustainable Food Systems Approach – Summer School in Bornholm

Let us present a brief throwback to sunny August and the Food, Place & Innovation, a Sustainable Food Systems Approach Summer School attended by our COACH junior researcher, Dominika Huczynska.


New Living Library showcases collaborative short food chains across Europe

A living library showcasing good-practice examples of collaborative short food chains has today been launched by a consortium of organisations, under the three-year, EU-funded COACH project. This living library includes more than 30 concrete examples of how collaboration between farmers, consumers, local governments and other actors can help to scale up short agri-food chains, in order to rebalance farmers’ position in the chain, create win-wins for producers and consumers, and drive locally led innovation in territorial food systems.
