The first grant call opens in the FORWARDS project

The FORWARDS project aims to set up the ForestWard Observatory – a long-lasting decision support tool to aid climate-smart and sustainable forest decisions at EU, national, and local levels. The ForestWard Observatory will draw on available networks and data streams to apply pioneering approaches, and therefore it will launch at least five grant calls with a total value of EUR 6 million to fund 50 pilot projects.


Towards resilient European forests

Building the ForestWard Observatory, a pan-European monitoring and evaluation tool, to demonstrate climate change impacts on forests and to guide decision-making for better forest management.


Communiqué on EU-funding restrictions

The European Commission has recently communicated through several channels that certain Hungarian organisations are excluded from EU funding.

This does not apply to ESSRG.

The Decision (EU) 2022/2506 concerns institutions that are public interest trusts established based on the Hungarian Act IX of 2021 or any entity maintained by such a public interest trust. As far as we know, at this moment, this restriction affects about 20 entities in Hungary (mainly universities).

ESSRG is an independent, private (owned by researchers), non-profit research company, and we have no connection with public interest trusts.


Further concepts and approaches for enhancing food system resilience

New publication by Bálint Balázs et al in Nature Food, Correspondence

Published May 31, 2023

Ingram, J., Bellotti, W., Brklacich, M. et al. Further concepts and approaches for enhancing food system resilience. Nat Food (2023).


Zsófia Benedek’s recent paper on the transformative potential of Hungarian local food-buying clubs

The study describes the development trends of local food-buying clubs (BCs) in Hungary and analyses how this type of grassroots initiative can contribute to the sustainability transition. BCs are consumer-driven organizations aiming to connect local food producers with consumers.


Typology of challenges that hinder the implementation of BDS 2030

The first deliverable of the project BioAgora about the challenges of implementing the EU’s Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 has been published.
The European Union’s Biodiversity Strategy 2030 is in place for two years, and lessons learnt from the implementation of the previous strategies were considered when the current strategy was created. To meet the high expectations towards this new strategy, it is important to learn from previous failures and understand the obstacles and challenges which might limit actual implementation.>
Authors: Attila Lenti, Eszter Kelemen, Kármen Czett, Carla Klusmann, György Pataki


Better decisions for biodiversity and people

Understand and influence decision-making affecting biodiversity.


We produced an animation video on RRI

We produced an animation video on responsible research and innovation. We tell you in 4 short minutes the bases of the responsible research and innovation (RRI) approach. We explain why we think it is important that researchers, research-performing organisations and even research funding organisations are connected to society. We also give a few examples from our current RRI project, where our partners have made institutional changes in the hope of responsible research.


Nature-based solutions for more inclusive and resilient communities

We explore how nature-based solutions can contribute to the societal change needed to address the biodiversity and climate crisis.
