Food systems changes for healthy dietary behaviour
We explore factors influencing dietary behaviour and dietary patterns’ health, environmental and socio-economic impacts.
More...Integrated urban food policies
We seek for urban food environments that make ecological food available, affordable and attractive to all citizens.
More...Realising dynamic value chains for underutilised crops
We will explore opportunities and overcome barriers for underutilised crops (UCs) via European dynamic value chains.
More...Empowering youth and cocreating social innovations
Empowering youth and cocreating social innovations and policymaking through youth-focused citizen social science
More...Collaborative agri-food chains
Driving innovation in territorial food systems and improving outcomes for producers and consumers.
More...Co-create change in research funding and performing
We support the implementation of RRI-related institutional changes.
More...Better contracts for farmers and nature
Better targeted policy instruments can increase the capacity of agriculture to provide environmental public goods.
Citizen Science is a rapidly diversifying field of innovation with implications and potential benefits for society, policy and various research areas.
Future-proofing the European food systems through Research & Innovation toward #Food2030EU.